Meet Miss Turnstyles

Hello, lovely readers!

My name is Meggie and I am the little lady behind Miss Turnstyles. Here you can read about my adventures in the world of nostalgia, a world that is a-twistin' and a-turnin' with fun!
I spend lots of time hunting for treasures of yesteryear, and I own a little vintage shop on Etsy  that lets me share my finds! I'm very drawn to nostalgia and the unexpected, so selling vintage is the perfect way to explore and share my interests. Not only do I get to discover an item that was made in a time I wish I could experience, but I never know what treasures I'll find next! I love that each piece of vintage has its very own unique history that's just waiting to be rediscovered. And that's exactly the story behind the name Miss Turnstyles; a vintage loving lady who turns an old style into a new, unexpected treasure for someone!

Besides vintage, I also enjoy reading, writing stories, hiking and backpacking, geocaching, and playing ukulele. I have two gorgeous little cats, a yellow vespa, and aspirations toward librarianship and writing a novel or two!

Hope you enjoy reading my blog and please take a look in my shop sometime! Its full of charming little vintage fashions and collectibles that are just waiting to add some turnstyle magic to your life!
